Sarah Buckett

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Progress, not perfection

This blog has been gestating for an outrageously long period of time, waiting for the “perfect” photograph, title and topic with which to begin. Turns out, perfection only exists as an idea and it’s defining feature is prevention. The quest for it has prevented me from doing the very thing I wanted and needed to do, which was start a blog on my website.

So this first post is my nod to progress. To just bloody getting it done and not letting this daft idea of a perfect first post trip me up at the first hurdle.

I wanted to introduce this section of my website as a deeper dive into my inspirations, idea development and collage process. If you have met me at an event or bought work from me in person, I will have happily chewed your ear off talking about my paper obsession, magazine hoarding and general love of cutting and sticking. I wanted to document these kinds of conversation topics here and share photos and videos I have taken of my collages as they are developing.

Part of my perfection quest was to work in chronological order and I still think that would be wonderful but I also know 80% of the ideas I have to share will never make it onto the page if I obsess about this. So, back and forth I will go . Sometimes it will be new work and then it will be a random piece from 6 years ago. Main thing is I do it.

Looking forward to posting this and being able to get started properly on my next post!

See you then

Sarah x